Going to the dentist can happen but isn't necessarily at a private office. A dental clinic can have all of your dental needs at the same place, and many kind of specialists reside at the same building.
A clinic can be located next to a dentistry school, hospital or a private health center. Dental clinics emphasize patient education in order to prevent disease and they provide treatments just as in a general practice. An average clinic is staffed by dentists, assistants and hygienists who provide services such as exams, cleaning, X-rays, fillings and other necessary dental care.
Dental clinics pride themselves in having numerous associates and specialty dentists available at any one time. There are also many procedures available to you as a patient, for fees that are competitive if not compatible with the typical insurance policy.
Our Emergency Dentistry functions kind of like a dental clinic, we provide a full range of dental services, we have cosmetic dentists as well as a oral surgeon and prosthodontists besides general dentists. We pride ourselves to give the best service at an affordable price, out of hours in the heart of London, next to Holborn station.